How to Deal With a Significant Loss in Your Life
Grief is a response to a loss in your life that can leave you feeling overwhelmed and disoriented. The loss can also give you physical symptoms, such as tightness in...
Summer Is a Great Time to Get Help With Neurofeedback for ADHD
It’s summer and school is out. Now is the best time to prepare your child for a successful new school year. While the schedule is less busy from school activities,...
Maximize Neurofeedback with Nutrition
How Nutrition affects Neurofeedback Outcomes Would you like to maximize your neurofeedback results? Many children, teenagers, and adults struggle with a variety of symptoms that neurofeedback can help. Neurofeedback...
Clinical Studies on Neurofeedback – Make an Informed Decision For Drug-Free Care
Neurofeedback has Been Proven Effective by Research Studies Neurofeedback is among the most exciting technological advances in medicine. Studies are emerging that confirm what practitioners have witnessed for years. In...
How a Drug-Free Approach Can Work For Depression
Treatment-Resistant Depression A small pilot study has indicated that neurofeedback – where patients concentrate on modifying their own brainwave patterns – has the potential to treat many of the 100...
Helping a Child with ADHD. Should I Medicate or Not?
Helping a Child with ADHD Children and adults with ADD or ADHD generally have deficits in executive function: the ability to think and plan ahead, organize, control impulses, and complete...