What Is A Brain Map?

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Technically known as a quantitative electroencephalogram (qEEG), a Brain Map is a non-invasive technology designed to measure the brainwave patterns in the brain in real-time. First used in 1924, modern computers have made this into a very accurate tool for identifying imbalances in brainwave generation.

The Brain Map process is painless, safe, accurate, and painless. The results will be used to create your customized neurofeedback training regimen.

What happens during a brain map?

A brain map involves scanning the brainwaves on the surface of the scalp using a nylon cap. Once the measurements are done, the system then compares your brainwave activity to a database of normal brain function to determine if imbalances are present.

Watch this video by Dr. Johnson to learn about the brain mapping process and its value:


What makes the balance of brainwave generation so important?

The brain is a complex and fascinating organ, constantly buzzing with electrical activity. One of the most intriguing aspects of this activity is the different types of brain waves that can be observed. Our brainwaves play a crucial role in shaping who we are, influencing everything from our sleep patterns to our emotions and critical thinking abilities. Without these unique electrical signals, we would not be able to function as the complex and fascinating individuals that we are. Let’s explore these brain waves and their significance.

Beta Waves

These brainwaves are more active when we are thinking cognitively. These brain waves are characterized by their faster frequency and indicate that the brain is engaged in intense neural processing. They are involved in all manners of conscious thought, such as logical thinking, writing, and reading. Having the right amount of beta waves allows us to focus and complete school or work-based tasks easily. Having too much Beta brainwave activity can lead to anxiety, and in extreme cases, full-blown panic attacks.

Alpha Waves

These are smooth, rhythmic waves that appear when we are in a state of relaxation and engaged in familiar activities. Alpha waves dominate our brain during these moments of calm. However, as soon as we shift our focus to a more challenging problem or find ourselves worrying about a solution, the alpha waves disappear. This frequency range bridges the gap between our conscious thinking and the subconscious mind. It helps us to calm down when necessary and helps to promote feelings of deep relaxation. However, too much energy in the Alpha waves on the left side of the brain is frequently seen in cases of depression.

Beta Waves

These brainwaves are more active when we are thinking cognitively. They are involved in all manners of conscious thought, such as logical thinking, writing, and reading. Having the right amount of beta waves allows us to focus and complete school or work-based tasks easily. Having too much Beta brainwave activity can lead to anxiety, and in extreme cases, full-blown panic attacks.

Theta Waves

This particular frequency range is involved in many areas of physical and mental activity. These waves frequently appear when we are engaged in activities such as remembering, daydreaming, or drifting off to sleep. They have a distinct quality that sets them apart from the other brain waves. Imbalances in Theta waves are often measured in people dealing with ADD, or loss of working and short-term memory. Improving the balance of Theta can improve intuition, creativity, concentration, and memory.

Delta Waves

These are the slowest recorded brain waves in human beings. They are associated with the deepest levels of relaxation and restorative, healing sleep. Adequate production of Delta waves helps us feel completely rejuvenated after we wake up from a good night’s sleep.

Proper Delta function is important for good emotional control, focus, concentration, and normal brain development in children as they mature.

Measuring and Evaluation of Brain Waves

Exploring the intricacies of brain waves and their impact on our cognitive and emotional functions is a fascinating and ever-evolving field of research. By delving into the complexities of these brain waves, we can gain valuable insights into how our minds function and adapt to different situations. This exploration holds the key to unraveling the mysteries of our cognitive abilities and discovering innovative approaches to optimize brain health. One commonly used technique for studying brain waves is quantitative electroencephalogram (qEEG), also known as brain mapping. This method provides a comprehensive understanding of patterns in brain activity, offering deeper insights into the inner workings of the brain.

Take a glimpse into a typical QEEG (Brain Map) report from our office:

Unlocking Your Brain’s Potential

What makes brain mapping so important is the ability to analyze each brain and generate a customized report that allows for the creation of a personalized neurofeedback training protocol. This comprehensive report is unique to each individual and very detailed. Think of it as a customized care plan for your brain.

Are you ready to find out more?

Dr. Johnson is pleased to offer a free initial evaluation to anyone interested in this all-natural approach to improved brain health.

Schedule your free evaluation or call (586) 488-4818 to speak with one of our friendly staff today.