How to Get a Good Night’s Rest Instead of Staring at The Ceiling
Do you frequently go to bed in pain or with your mind so busy that you find it hard to close your eyes and actually sleep? If so, you may...
5 Ways Neurofeedback Can Help Ease Depression
Depression is a debilitating mental disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. It can significantly impact an individual’s life, causing them to experience low mood, lack of motivation, and a...
6 Tips for Advocating for Your Own Health
Image via Pexels Health can be a scary concept for those with little understanding of what it means to take care of yourself. Part of the process is being informed...
Beyond Medicating The Brain: Why We Need a New Approach
What’s the generally accepted medical practice for treating someone with clinical depression, anxiety, ADHD, migraines, seizures, or many other “brain” problems? The usual answer is to prescribe a pill, such...
4 Drug-Free Ways to Beat Insomnia
How To Beat Insomnia Naturally If you suffer from insomnia, then you understand the seriousness of simply not getting a good night's sleep. Your whole world around you appear to crumble...
The MIND Diet Plan For a Healthy Brain
Information contained in this post is republished with permission from BodySite about the MIND Diet, a brain-healthy patient education and eating plan How Can a Diet Help the Brain? Our brains tend to...