When considering any medical treatment or procedure, it is important to be informed as possible. Not only does this allow you to understand what you are undertaking but it also facilitates communication between you and your care provider. This is especially crucial when undergoing alternative medical procedures for ADHD, as you are a critical element in assisting in your recovery. Additionally, being better informed allows you to make any necessary adjustments to allow your care program to be as effective as possible. Therefore, understanding how neurofeedback helps improve ADD/ADHD will provide you with the information to be better informed concerning your care options.

Neurofeedback-An Introduction [Video]

If you would like to learn more about neurofeedback, I have compiled a video that will enlighten you about the technology and its effectiveness in helping with ADHD. You can register to view it by clicking here.

Watching this video will inform you how neurofeedback helps ADHD, anxiety, depression, mTBI, and more. The compilation of information in the video, including testimonials from actual patients who have benefitted from using neurofeedback, will help you gain important perspectives on a drug-free approach to many health challenges.

Neurofeedback Brain Training for Adult ADHD

ADD/ADHD manifests itself in a myriad number of ways, thus it is considered a spectrum disorder. Additionally, there are many casual links to ADHD/ADD but there is no specific cause or issue that causes all cases of the disorder. However, all the links and symptoms do have one relation in common, and that is the brain. Brains function by using electrical and chemical receptors and generators and these produce brainwaves in patterns that are subsequently linked to other functions in the brain. For those who suffer from ADHD/ADD, the patterns are often out of sync when compared with others who have normal patterns. Neurofeedback brain training addresses this incongruity in the patterns and thus allows the brain to reset or adjust to generating the correct patterns.

First Steps

There are several steps that occur before the actual implementation of neurofeedback brain training. At Michigan Brain Health we often order blood tests and evaluate your nutritional habits to help determine if a variety of factors are present that can affect the successful outcome of your neurofeedback program. Often, additional treatments are recommended in conjunction with neurofeedback brain training to both improve and assist the overall effectiveness of the neurofeedback training program. Any additional procedures considered are based upon the examination of the individual client.

Building Your Brain Map


After the first phases of developing your specific care program have been completed, the next process is to obtain a brain map of your brain function. By using a quantitative electroencephalograph or qEEG, your specific brain patterns and waves are compared with a database of normal waves and patterns to determine which or if any of your brain waves are in a less than optimal state. From this analysis, your care provider will then work with you to develop the specific neurofeedback program that would be the most effective for your situation. All neurofeedback procedures are painless and non-invasive, thus it can be repeated as often as necessary to check on progress.

Your ADHD Neurofeedback Program

While each individual neurofeedback program is tailored to the individual case and circumstance, there are commonalities in care programs that will help you understand how they work. Using a series of visual and auditory responses, when your brain generates the correct brain wave pattern, you will receive a reward response. Neurofeedback procedures can include video games, movies, and music to stimulate your brain to generate the normal brain waves and patterns.  If the brainwaves are not generated in the range desired, feedback helps provide the correction. The combination of rewards and feedback retrain your brain to produce brain waves and patterns in the desired range. This type of treatment has shown to be effective over the long term than other treatments designed to treat the same spectrum disorder.

Alternative medical procedures offer a side effect-free means of helping those who deal with ADD/ADHD. If you or someone you know suffers from this spectrum disorder, considering Neurofeedback treatments by contacting a treatment provider, could help you cope with the problems and concerns associated with ADD/ADHD. Don’t let ADD or ADHD control your life any longer. Pharmaceutical treatments will treat your symptoms and while other alternative medical treatments and neurofeedback are not a cure, they can help you regain that part of your life you have been missing.

If you or your child is facing the challenges and difficulties of ADD or ADHD  or other signs of brain and body imbalance. Come in for your Free Evaluation (or call (586) 488-4818) and see for yourself how beneficial the Michigan Brain Health neurofeedback program can be for your health challenges.

Always remember one of my mantras., “The more you know about how your body works, the better you can take care of yourself.”

For more details about the natural approach I take with my patients, take a look at the book I wrote entitled: Reclaim Your Life; Your Guide To Revealing Your Body’s Life-Changing Secrets For Renewed Health. It is available in my office or at Amazon and many other book outlets. If you found value in this article, please use the social sharing icons at the bottom of this post, and please share with those you know who are still suffering from chronic health challenges, despite receiving medical management. Help me reach more people so they may regain their zest for living! Thank you!